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Wednesday Reflection - October 2, 2024

October 2, 2024

Dear Friends,

October is one of my favorite months. I love everything about the beginning of Autumn; the sight of the glorious colors, the sound of leaves crunching and the geese heading south, the taste of a freshly baked apple pie, the slight chill in the air, and the smell of fireplaces in homes. This time of year delights our senses in many ways, and in different ways depending on where we are at the present moment.

This month is also host to many individuals who are excellent guides and role models for our Spiritual life. The month begins with St. Therese of Lisieux (Therese of the Child Jesus) and her little way. Then there is the Feast of the Guardian Angels. They help us realize that God is always with us, and they call us to be aware of the angels that come into our lives. Next up is St Francis of Assisi. He teaches us how to “rebuild the church,” not the buildings, but the whole of creation. St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross also help us ‘rebuild the church’ through the rich treasury of writings they have left us. I could go on with the many Saints celebrated this month, but you get the idea.

What do these Saints have in common, besides being ordinary people? Each of them recognized the Teacher. They were aware of God in their life and they wanted to learn to grow closer to Him. In his book, New Seeds of Contemplation, Thomas Merton said, “The most dangerous person in the world is the one who is guided by no one.” Ultimately, to recognize the Teacher and be guided by Him, one needs to live in the present moment. We need to hear, see, and come to know what is happening to us and within us in the midst of the present happenings around us. 

We also need help on this journey, we need the Teacher, but we also need other companions too. Each of these Saints had someone to help them be their best self, and so they too can help us along our journey. They offer us good advice, so let’s listen to it.

Reflecting on the month of October would not be complete without Mary, who highlights the month. She, more than anyone else, is the perfect model of someone aware of all that she was being asked, yet she did not know all the consequences. Her journey can be like ours. We can look to her for guidance too. I invite you to spend some time this week looking at the lives of all these special people. Perhaps you can share your learnings with someone else? And remember, be ready when the teacher appears so you can learn to be your best self.


Till next week,

Sister Theresita

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