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Wednesday Reflection - October 9, 2024

October 9, 2024

Dear Friends,

“You are a perfect mix of talents and abilities to fulfill the mission God has in mind for you. There is no point in worrying about what talents and abilities other people have. If you don’t have them, you don’t need them for your mission.”

(Mathew Kelly, Restoring Happiness)

I was so happy to read this quote when I returned from my vacation. It inspired me to be grateful for all the gifts God has given me and to be able to rejoice in the gifts of others. Comparisons and judgement have no place in building up the kingdom of God and so I share with you my ability to pull together a weekly reflection. 

As I mentioned, I was away and there was one among many experiences I had that I am looking forward to sharing with you. While away I was able to visit a Mosque, and it happened to be close to the time for prayer. As you may know, Muslims pray five times daily. While in the Blue Mosque, someone asked if people could pray at home or if they needed to come to the Mosque. The answer was wonderful for me to hear; “It is fine to pray at home, but so much better to come together to pray in community.” I was ecstatic, we, as Catholics, have been teaching that all along. I have never felt so affirmed. It helped me realize that it is true, different faiths have more in common than differences. 

How true it is that when we come together to pray, there is undeniable energy. “Where two or three are gathered, I am in their midst.” (Mt 18:20) To add to the delight of this moment, I was able to sit in the village square and listen to the chant of two Imams. Their chanting reminded me of the way we chant the psalms during evening prayer. This encounter was as exhilarating as hearing the Angelus bells ring and seeing folks stand to recite the ancient prayer. 

Spend some time this week thinking about how mentally present you are when we pray together at Mass, in our prayer group, or when saying the rosary, or any common prayer. Are you present to those who are with you, to the time, and space? Prayer is powerful, and even more so when we come together as a community in a mindful manner. Have a great week. Let’s join each other in prayer. 

Till next week

Sister Theresita

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